Akobo Hunger


4 responses to this post.

  1. End Hunger In Akobo, South Sudan 

    Dear Supporters

    I am writing to you as South Sudan refugee and requesting some immediate help. Many of our families and friends in South Sudan are in desperate need of food . The United Nations issued a press release last year about a on going humanitarian crisis in the region. Forty percent of population have been at risk of acute food malnutrition mainly because crops could not planted due to late rains.

    Our contacts in the Akobo region are therefore requesting urgent help. They want to have the means to grow crops during the dry season so they can be food self sufficient. Please help us. A contribution of $200 to $500 or what ever you can afford will enable us to develope an agriculture development fund. If you would like to organize a fund raiser in order to
    help us expand our agriculture project please contact Bart Tippetts at barttip@msn.com. Phone: 801-859-8150. To give a contribution write a check and mail it to South Sudan Development Network, 1527 W 800 South, Salt Lake City , Utah , 84104

    Steven Biel and Bart Tippetts


  2. […] We are working with the orphanage to help them to grow a three acre garden.  We are starting a fund raising effort to buy tools, an irrigation water pump and solar panels to power the pump.  Stephen Biel, a Sudanese man now living in the USA, and Bart Tippets are heading up the fund raising effort. The garden will help with nutrition and self-reliance for the orphanage.  Read a letter from Stephen Biel explaining the situation at: https://southsudanhungerproject.wordpress.com/hunger-in-akobo-sudan/ […]


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